Wednesday, July 23, 2008

OBAMA or McCain???

Is it just me or has the US building up to another 9/11? Is it not inevitable that the "terrorists" are going to strike again? Do you not think that it is entirely possible that someone will assassinate OBAMA?

Do you know that the world is waiting for another attack? Are Americans really that naive to think that the world doesn't want to see something bad happen to them. The IRAQ war has clearly been a thorn in the side of the government. When was the last time they mentioned the grand total of dead 19-23 year old? And that is just the dead, what about all the injured who now have basically nothing left for them?

Now it looks like Afghanistan is taking back the controls of dead people. And why don't we get rid of the heroin trade. If I know my facts, heroin is supplied to over 90% of the world from the southern Afghan provinces. What is the hold up? Why can't we do anything about it?

McCain is old, OBAMA is black.

If McCain wins the likely hood of him having a heart attack that seriously puts him and America at risk is fairly high. Lets face the facts, he is old, old people get sick easily. He gets sick and VP whoever takes over and no matter what the country is going to feel vulnerable and weak.

OBAMA is black. Trying to become the first black president in a country that has many daily black confrontations is a daunting task. America is a racists place. The country is so wide spread with different backgrounds and beliefs that people will clearly take offence that there president is black that some extremist could take things into there own hands and end it all before it begins.

I don't care who you are, if someone wants to get to you then they will. Who can really keep everyone away from someone. The FBI or Special Services can't be there all the time. You can only cover so many angles at once. And when you think you got it all, someone will take it all away and back everything a big fat mess.

I just hope and prey that my Canadian government doesn't get to wrapped up in everything. Cause right now we seem to be eating food right out of the Americans hands. Lord know we let anyone and everyone in our great country. Maybe that's why they haven't attacked us yet because we are just so easy to penetrate as it is.

Good luck Presidential nominees. Your all in for the battle of your life's for the next 4-8 years. It won't stop, terrorism is here for ever.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Indian Slang

So I'm walking around downtown Yelloknife today, minding my own business which is pretty hard. The Natives come out in gangs during the days with sun. The downtown has been referred to the Gaza Strip of Canada. Which isn't hard to believe because it is crazy nuts. On any given day and at any moment a fight can beak out.

Which brings me to the "line of the day"

Imagine to grossly unhygiened indians sharing cigs on the corner. An older lady and a youger man on the becnh and a approaching older gentlemen heading there way. Now I don't know if the Natives have a system where the elders get first dibs on things, cause the older guy certainly tried for it.

The old man walks up and says "get off the bench" to the younger guy

The old woman says "he's my cousin"

The older man then stands right in the face of the younger guy and starts shoving him and tell him to "shut the fuck up and get up"

The younger guys pushes him off and says "hey man I'm justing sitting down"

The older man finally grabs the guy drags him of the bench and says


What a classic line---spray you with my aresol

Only in the NWT, and likely Nunavut

I hope the Natives can get everything figured out. Hate seeing them pass cigs around in the Winter.

Till next time

Monday, July 14, 2008

What is the Deal with "The Hills"?

I can't help but wonder why there is a show about 7 or so rich spoiled brats from California. Is this television? I think not. MTV must have got hit in the head really hard to come up and allow for this dribble to be aired on a week to week basis. I would much rather watch old re runs of COPS.

And Heidi and Spencer are suck publicity whores. Making out sessions at the DMV. Lame photo shoots at Disney Land. And lordy lordy thank god I haven't been subjected to watching the entire 3 or so minutes of crap of home made music videos. Seriously Paris Hiltons video was at least done professionally, not done by some rich school kid who can push record on a camcorder from Circuit City.

Lets not forget about Audrina. Something about her just doesn't click with me. She essentially is just filling space on the show and suddenly she is the new glame girl. Is it just me or is her face messed up a bit. Its like she had a lazy eye in the past and got it fixed before the camera's got to her.

I don't even know who the others are. Does anyone?